Overview of Features
- Maintain Factory Patterns by defining the working and non-working days for the production shifts.
- Maintain Resource Downtime for Machines and Labour.
- Maintain Work Centers and define absorption costing method for production fixed costs
- Maintain Machine groups and machines and define the standard machine costs.
- Maintain Skill Groups and Labor and define the standard labour costs.
- Maintain internal and subcontracted production processes and define the standard hours that is required to complete the process.
- Define default and alternative routes for each finished goods
- Allow user to load alternative route to the production order
- Allow user to update quantity completed, rejected and scrapped for each production process.
- Allow user to keep track of subcontracted production process.
- Allow user to keep track of operation time for each production process.
- Allow user to keep track of tools used for each production process.
- In addition to material costs, allow fixed and variable costs to be absorbed into finished goods